Dr. Gail Levitt collaborates with employees and leaders alike to succeed in their goals through a unique approach to facilitation, coaching and consulting.

“Gail Levitt has spent nearly four decades nurturing a sophisticated skill set.”

24-7 Pressrelease.com

About Gail

Dr. Gail Levitt is the CEO of Levitt Communications Inc., founded in 1992, to provide coaching, facilitation, and curriculum design for diverse organizations in government, business, and technology. 

Gail holds a Doctorate in Cultural Communications from the University of Exeter in England. She also earned a M.A. Degree with high honors in English from the University of Illinois in Urbana- Champagne, and a B.A. Degree in English from Hobart-William Smith College in Geneva, New York, graduating Summa Cum Laude with highest honors.

Gail’s broad range of subject matter expertise, direct leadership experience, and innovative approaches make her a much sought-after facilitator and coach globally.

Specializing in collaboration and influence, she professionally trained in Harvard principled negotiation in both competitive and collaborative bargaining methods. She has taught project management contract negotiations, advanced negotiation skills for MBA programs, and collaborative negotiation best practices for all levels of stakeholders.

Gail’s professional focus is to facilitate a dynamic learning experience virtually or in person that fosters increased accountability for change through questioning, unique collaboration activities, self-reflection, and action planning. 

When Gail conducts her programs virtually, she also gets lots of help from her personal assistant, Einstein. Always by her side, Einstein is ready to help where he can. You can expect Einstein to be present in your meetings and sessions!


Gail helps individuals and teams enhance their skills to reach peak performance. All Programs and services are offered virtually.

In-person sessions available based on request

Collaboration Workshops

  • Collaborative Leadership

  • Employee Engagement 

  • Building Collaborative Teams      

Negotiation Workshops

  • Negotiating Strategically

  • Win-Win Negotiations

  • Competitive Negotiation Skills

Communication Workshops

  • High-Impact Communication

  • Gaining Others’ Accountability

  • Giving Constructive Feedback

“The Truth About Collaborating”

Published April 17 2020, this book offers a refreshing approach that provides unique insights, examples, tools, techniques, checklists, and templates for successful collaborations. Now, more than ever before, organizations are encouraging work collaboration both in-person and remotely to increase productivity, enhance innovation, and attain the best results. However, leaders and teams often lack the essential knowledge, tools, and techniques required to avoid failure and achieve optimal outcomes.

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